Wellness Tips for a Safe Holiday Season and a Strong Start for 2024

As we approach the holiday season, there’s naturally so much to look forward to. Whether it’s getting together with family for big meals and thoughtful gifts, taking a much-needed vacation, or simply kicking back at home for a little while, the season is well-known as a time for rest and relaxation.

Taking time off from the hustle and bustle of everyday life is not only essential, but also it's a great idea to be intentional about your wellness throughout the season. That way, you're ensuring you start off the new year feeling your best. Here are a few ideas and wellness tips to keep up with a great routine this holiday season—without feeling like you’re compromising on the best parts of this time of the year.

1. Make Exercise a Family Activity

The holidays are all about spending time with family, so why not get active with your loved ones? Board games and movie nights are great, but it’s also lots of fun to break up the inside time with family outings where everyone can get moving. Whether it’s a simple walk through a winter wonderland or practicing stretches with your kids, this is a great time to kick off a new routine of family wellness that will stick in the new year. Plus, regular exercise is a great way to beat holiday stress, fight off seasonal illnesses, and strengthen your bonds with the family.

2. Try Out Some Winter Sports

Depending on where you live, there might be any number of winter sports and activities to try out this season. Snowshoe hikes are an amazing way to explore Vancouver BC's gorgeous wintery landscape and get some exercise at the same time. The same can be said for cross country skiing, snowboarding, or downhill skiing, all of which are super fun ways to get a workout in the frosty air.

Even if you don’t have much snowy nature around, you can try out other seasonal activities like ice skating, hockey, or even a day at the sled hill. These are all so much fun that you won’t even realize you’ve been getting a great workout at the same time!

3. Bundle Up and Take a Walk

If all else fails and you can’t make it to the ski hill, this time of year is a great reason to cozy up in your warmest clothes and take a little walk. Wintertime can transform even the most familiar routes in your neighbourhood, and the colder weather even helps you burn a few extra calories in the process! Aim for a short walk every day. It will do wonders for your mental and physical health, and can help you start a great routine as we enter 2024!

4. Create a Travel-Friendly Workout Routine

Planning to take a holiday this winter? Whether you’re heading across the country to visit family or across the world for a warm weather getaway, it’s a great idea to create a simple workout routine that you can do anywhere. Body weight exercises require little to no equipment, and many routines can take just 10 to 30 minutes, meaning it’s simple to keep up with daily movement and exercise even while you’re on the go. Bonus points if you can get into a gym at your destination to do a more in-depth workout!

5. Sneak a Workout Into Regular Holiday Activities

Even if you’re not hitting the gym this winter, you can easily adapt a few of the things you’ll be doing anyway to help you get some extra exercise. Shopping for gifts? Park in the far parking lot, strap on some walking shoes, and get your steps in while you browse and buy. Another idea is to take a day to do a deep clean of your home. All the squatting, bending, lifting, vacuuming, and washing can add up to a surprisingly good workout, helping you to stay mobile and active even while preparing for guests.

6. Exercise Caution in Snowy Weather

As physiotherapists, we see plenty of injuries caused by slips on ice and car crashes caused by winter conditions. Take great care when walking on icy and snowy ground—even a single slip can toss joints out of alignment and pull muscles, causing injuries that can seriously put a damper on the holidays and get your new year off on the wrong foot. The same goes for driving in the snow—be sure to use snow tires and drive with extra caution to make sure your holidays aren’t ruined by whiplash and other collision-related injuries.

If you'd like even more tips on how to exercise your caution in the snow, check out our previous article here!: How to Prevent Slips on Ice More Frequently.

7. Keep Up With a Physio Routine

Looking for a way to get hands-on guidance with your wellness, developing a fitness routine that works for you in the long-term? Physiotherapy is a great way to keep your body in tip-top shape throughout the holiday season, helping to prevent injuries and help you stay on top of any quirks about your body that might slow you down in the new year.

If you’re looking for a capable physiotherapy clinic to help you make the most of your wellness this holiday season and ensure you’re starting the new year right, Triumph Physio and Wellness is here to help. With decades of combined experience, we’re here to help you feel your best again—maybe even better than ever.

Contact us for more wellness tips, or book an appointment today for more urgent needs such as sprains, strains, and ICBC claims. Wishing you a safe and happy holiday season!

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